A word of warning! If you notice a glass of beer lying about the brewery don’t touch it, as it may have been left for the resident Lutin. This gnome-like guardian does odd jobs and keeps an eye on the fermentation overnight in exchange for beer and a warm spot to sleep by the boiler. If upset, he will resort to mischief, hiding tools, or even causing the beer to spoil! So leave that beer where it is, and enjoy a glass of this bright & complex, tart wild ale with a new appreciation for all who made it.
COLOUR Pale Gold
AROMA White grape / Riesling wine
CHARACTER Dry and bright with a slight lemon tartness
A.B.V. 6.0%
PAIRS WITH Salty Asian foods / Sushi / White fish.
This dry bright Saison was aged in white wine barrels with a unique Brettanomyces yeast culture. The result is a beer, with flavours reminiscent of white grape, bright fruit, and lemon/lime. This tart Saison is complex without being heavy.
MALT Rahr Pilsner / Canadian Wheat
YEAST Multiculture
IBU 18
OG 1.054